Family Registration

Use the following form to register your family to your local church parish. Only one form needed per family.

After register each family member using the MEMBER REGISTRATION form.

Adults over the age of 25 should be registered as an individual family. If you are single and living alone fill the FAMILY REGISTRATION and the MEMBER REGISTRATION for yourself.



Head of Household


Family Info

Mailing Address (if different from home address)


Following this FAMILY REGISTRATION is a page for MEMBER REGISTRATION. The pages must be filled for each person living in the household, regardless of age. This includes father, mother, children and any other adults under the age of 25. Adults over the age of 25 should be registered as an individual family. If you are single and living alone fill the FAMILY REGISTRATION and the MEMBER REGISTRATION for yourself.

If you have any questions please call the PASTORAL CENTER at 225-869-5751.




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