Together With Christ, For Our Future
October 2025 Jubilee Pilgrimage
Join Fr. Vincent Dufresne and some of your fellow cluster parishioners on a pilgrimage to Italy. See flyer here.
Anonymous Contacts
Dear Parishioners,
Different people, parishioners and non-parishioners alike, choose to contact the Pastoral Center for a huge variety of reasons, from the most simple to the most complicated.
However, often enough I receive “anonymous” contacts – that is, a letter, note, phone message, etc. – without any indication of who the sender might be. In such cases there is no way for me to respond directly to these persons.
I care about each parishioner, truly, each person, and I want to provide all that I can within reason and within my abilities. But, I will never be able to assist individuals who remain anonymous.
God bless,
Fr. Vincent
Thank you for your contribution to our iGiveCatholic Online Fund Raiser. We have received over $10,000 towards our 2023 campaign. Again, THANK YOU!
- As a reminder, each Sunday, the children will come up to the altar to bring their offertory gift when the collection is taken up. (NOTE: St. Joseph's 10am Mass is when they return from children’s church).
- There will be a second collection at all masses this weekend, September 7/8 for the Catholic University of America.
- This weekend, September 7/8, is Blue Mass Weekend. All USA military, firefighters, police officers, emergency personnel, and first responders are invited to attend Mass in their uniforms. A special prayer of blessing will be offered.
- Sacred Heart and St. Joseph grades 1-8 PSR parent meeting is Monday, September 9 at 6:30pm in Sacred Heart Church.
- The Pastoral Center will be closed Tuesday, September 10 for Staff Retreat. Please pray for us as we will keep you in our prayers.
- Next weekend, September 14/15, is Catechetical Weekend. All catechists will be commissioned during the weekend masses.
- For couples struggling in their marriage, the next Baton Rouge Retrouvaille weekend is October 4-6, 2024. Please see the bulletin or cluster website for registration information.
- Fr. Vincent is planning an October 2025 Jubilee Year pilgrimage to Italy. If you are interested, there are flyers at the church entrance or you can find it on the cluster website.
- On behalf of myself, Deacon Randy and the parish staff, we would like to extend to all grandparents a “Happy Grandparents Day.”
Sunday Readings and Homilies can be seen on our YouTube chanel here: Channel content - YouTube Studio
Weekend Schedule
Confession 7:00 - 7:50 AM
Mass 8:00 AM
Weekend Schedule
Confession 3:00 - 3:50 PM
Vigil Mass 4:00 PM
Mass 10:00 AM
Weekend Schedule
Mass 6:00 PM
Confession 4:00 - 4:50 PM
Mass 5:00 PM
Our Lady of Prompt Succor Chapel
3250 Louisiana Avenue
Lutcher, LA
established 1927
Weekday Schedule
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 7:00 AM (Lutcher)
Wednesday 5:30 PM (Lutcher)
News & Events
AUGUST 14-15, 2024
Fete Dieu du Mississippi: Fete 2024 All Night Adoration Vigil (
Please see attached letter concering cemetery space availability.
Dear Friend of St. Michael:
The St. Michael Church Building and Maintenance committee, in its continued efforts to maintain and restore the historical St. Michael the Archangel Church and its buildings, announces the 2024 Fundraising Drive. Activities to raise funds are ongoing and the Church Building and Maintenance Committee is excited about accomplishing its goals. The debt on the Church Hall has been settled and currently preliminary work on the restoration of the Rectory is underway; however, costs are enormous and sometimes seem far beyond our reach. Support from our friends is greatly needed if this beautiful facet of St. James Parish history is to be preserved.
We truly appreciate the contributions from generous people like you who help us tremendously with our fundraising efforts. We ask that you continue to contribute as you have in the past with cash donations or with any other contribution you might so graciously make to compliment any of the events which will be announced throughout the rest of this year. Please use the contribution form to help us properly thank you and may God bless you and yours.
St. Michael Building and Maintenance Committee
The Sunday Mass at 10:00 AM at St. Joseph Church is now being live-streamed. Each weeks mass will be on the Facebook page until the next Sunday's mass is aired. The readings and Homily from each Sunday will be available on The Catholic Church of East Saint James YouTube channel.
Our live-streamed 10:00am Mass on FaceBook is offered for the spiritual enrichment and benefit of any and all viewers. However, it CANNOT fulfill the moral obligation to attend Sunday Mass. Because of their disability, the sick and infirmed are automatically dispensed from this obligation; this Mass is explicitly for their benefit. All others without a factual impediment are always under moral obligation to attend Sunday Mass.
We are in need of volunteers to help with the live-streaming. It is only for videoing at mass and is a simple process. Several volunteers will allow a schedule so that no one is asked too often. Please contact Gordon Jenkins or the Pastoral Center to volunteer or for more information.
The prayers and a prayer card are available. Choose the approriate link.
St. Joseph Cemetery Crucifix Restoration project is completed. The new cross and its base has been erected.
We are happy to announce that we are able to reopen St. Michael’s Lourdes Grotto for more regular visits. Now open daily from 9:00am to 4:00pm. Please remember to use the handicap ramp side door to enter and exit the church.
Our Perpetual Adoration Chapel has reopened at Prompt Succor Chapel. If you or someone you know would be willing to sign up for an hour, please contact Jason Amato, Bobby Lear, or Seth Bourgeois.
Further Information about religious services to parishioners:
Please contact Mrs. Missy Laurent at the Pastoral Center
Please contact your Funeral Home and the Pastoral Center to coordinate these services.
Please contact the Pastoral Center for details.
Please contact the Pastoral Center for a priest to address these needs.
St. Vincent DePaul Thrift Stores in Lutcher is open.
We will strive to operate our Food Pantry on our designated days taking into account the health and well-being of our volunteers and clients. We will continue to provide emergency services as need through the Catholic Church Pastoral Center at 225-869-5751 or St. Vincent DePaul at 225-869-1078 leaving a message.
Sacred Heart Church is in need of volunteers to clean the church. Anyone interested should contact the Pastoral Center, 225-869-5751.
Is your marriage going down the right road . . . or is it a little off track? Life can be difficult, and so can the challenges you face in marriage.
Does the distance between you seem wide? Are you already separated? Looking for a better way? Retrouvaille can help and offers hope for a better relationship. Retrouvaille is a peer ministry of volunteer couples that can help you learn the tools of healthy communication, build intimacy and heal, just as they have done in their own marriages. Retrouvaille is Christian-based, and Catholic in origin, but welcomes couples of all faiths as well as non-religious couples. Retrouvaille can help get your relationship back on track. For more information about the upcoming local Retrouvaille Weekend program for couples, (October 4 - 6, 2024) contact: Randall and Robin Bellard @ 225-271-4092 or visit our website:
Are you between the ages of 18-30 and have been longing for a deeper relationship with God, but don't know where to start or searching for friends with the same passion for Christ?? Join the River Road Catholics Young Adult Ministry for an opportunity to grow closer to God through prayer, worship, community, bible study, service, and friendship. Visit our Facebook for more information: River Road Catholics YAM.
For the Stewardship of Ministry page click here
You can now learn about and join the Knights of Columbus online at
FORMED has gone through some changes and is getting rave reviews. Check out the new website and all it has to offer.
Please sign up for FORMED by clicking the icon and finding the parish of East St James
Then watch the feature video for this weeks reading. During the Homily you will hear how the Readings and the videos promote God's Plan.
Also check out the recommended topics from past months. Sorry this feature is no longer updated.
Mailing Address
Our Mailing Address
Pastoral Center
PO Box 129
2130 Rectory Street
Paulina, LA 70763-0129
Office Hours
- Sep 7 2024 10:00 am - Ladies Aux KPC
- Sep 8 2024 10:00 am - Children's Church
- Sep 11 2024 8:00 am - St. Peter Chanel Mass
- Fr. Vincent Dufresne, Pastor
- Deacon Randy Clement, Deacon Assistant
- Mrs. Paula Poche, St. Peter Chanel Principal
- Ms. Lauren Haase, Receptionist
- Mrs. Amanda Berthelot, Secretary/Census/Sacramental Records
- Mrs. Missy Laurent, HS DRE/Confirmation/Youth Ministry/Bapt. Prep./Lay Ministry Coordinator
- Mrs. Liz Petit, SH/SJ Elementary PSR DRE
- Ms. Amy L. Babin, SH/SJ Elementary PSR Assistant DRE
- Mrs. Jackie Copponex, SM Jr/High PSR DRE
- Ms. Carol Ann Rome, SM Elementary PSR DRE
- Mrs. Tammy Martin, SJ & SH Finance
- Ms. Allison Badeaux, SM Finance/Payroll/HR
- Ms. Donna Rochon, Facilities/Cemetery/Website Coordinator
- Mrs. Harriet Melancon, Bulletin Editor
- Mr. R J St. Pierre, Maintenance Supervisor
- Mr. Gordon Jenkins, Project Manager