Faith Formation


The Faith Formation Commission focuses on the sharing and development of the Catholic faith and how we pass on our faith from one generation to the next.  It includes  the religious education classes at all levels, SPC school, adult education, sacramental programs, and the RCIA.  Adult education programs are presented throughout the year and include: missions, retreat opportunities, small group sharing, special presentations and others.  These opportunities are posted in the bulletin and announced in Church.


Policies for Youth Faith Formation in the Cluster

Dress Code

It is the obligation of our church parishes to provide a proper educational and religious atmosphere which shall be conducive to the learning process as well as spiritual growth and morality. Students, teachers, and staff have the right to be free from distractions which hinder the learning process and go against the moral code. No mode of attire will be considered proper for school wear that distracts from or disrupts classroom and school decorum. The DRE makes the final decision as to what is considered proper or improper dress according to the guidelines provided.

The Parish Staff believe it is the responsibility of each student to use good judgment in one’s total appearance so that the attention of others is not distracted from the purpose of the school.

Cleanliness shall be a basic consideration.

      BoysYour own school approved uniform or: 
                A sleeved shirt (no sleeveless) and pant or short (not more than 3” above the knee).

     GirlsYour own school approved uniform or: 
               A sleeved shirt (no sleeveless, back less, strapless or low cut) and pant or short/skirt/dress (not more than 3” above the knee).

 Shoes: No flip flops

Dress Code Offense

        1st offense (Grades  1-8)- Pink slip with the type of offense will be sent home with the student. 
                          Grades 9-11 – Student will be sent home.

         2nd offense (Grades 1-8) - Parent will be called and student will be sent home.

Attendance Policies

It is the obligation of our parishes to provide a consistent and enriching program for our students. Students are expected to attend class regularly and to be on time. Parents are expected to bring and pick up their children on time. Beginning this year, students will be allowed to have 3 unexcused absences. Parents are to send a written excuse with the student upon returning to class. The DRE will determine if the absence is excused or unexcused. If no written excuse is turned in, then the absence will automatically be unexcused.

Make-up work - Upon returning to class the student will be given a photo copy of the lesson he/she missed, to take home and complete for the following class. Parents must sign the completed assignment.